Contributing guidelines#

Contributing to HealOps and HealOps packages#

....more to come.

License and rights#

A CLA (Contributor License Agreement) is what I in the future would like to formulate. However, as of now, there is none. But. What you contribute to HealOps is out of free will and you will not be compensated in any way. Other than get the joy in helping out, learning new cool tech. and being a part of the journey in making HealOps a rock solid monitoring, repairing and stats framework.

Thank you :-D.

Reporting bugs and the like#

For all the below bullet points it goes that you should give your best effort in regards to following the issue template form. Thank you very much. Doing that will help make sure that an issue will actually be solved faster and with higher quality.

  • Documentation: If you spot spelling mistakes or something that needs a better explanation on this documentation website. Please add an issue on the projects GitHub issue page. * Label the issue with the documentation tag.
  • Bugs in HealOps: Please add an issue on the projects GitHub issue page. * Label the issue with the bug tag.
  • Bugs in a HealOps package: Please add an issue on the projects GitHub issue page. * Label the issue with the bug tag.