Every day management#

Registering your package management feed#

  • Open a PowerShell terminal
  • Register the feed: Register-PSRepository -Name HealOps -SourceLocation FEED_URI -PublishLocation FEED_URI/ -ScriptSourceLocation FEED_URI -ScriptPublishLocation FEED_URI/ -InstallationPolicy Trusted -PackageManagementProvider NuGet * In the above command, the trailing slash (/) in FEED_URI is important.

Publishing packages#

  • Open a PowerShell terminal.
  • Publish a package by executing: Publish-Module -Path .\FOLDER\HealOpsPackages\Sitecore.HealOpsPackage -NuGetApiKey FEED_KEY -Repository HealOps * Publishes the Sitecore HealOps package to the HealOps repository. See this video for an example